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Sample Report - Greater Phoenix Total Market Overview Report

Below we have provided you with an example of the Total Market Overview Report for the Greater Phoenix area. This area includes all listings in the Phoenix Metro area. As you can see it is simple, easy to read and great for using at listing presentations as well as using during the buyer's consultation.

The first column has the active listings, all listings on the market. It is broken down by price range so you can really hone in with your clients so you can have accurate data, and compare apples to apples. The second column shows you how many of the total listings available are under contract. Looking at the third column you can see the amount pending as a percentage, we call the pending ratio. How we usually use it is: "In your price range, BLANK % is under contract! (CONTINUED BELOW)

Months of inventory gives your clients an Idea of the current market. If we didn't take any listings we would only have BLANK months before we completely run out of homes to sell/buy. This is how we calculate the months of inventory.

We like to also use the List to Sales Ratio to give your clients a dose of reality! This gives the ratio of asking price to sales price. Depending on the market, it might be over 100%, telling your clients that a good deal in this market is not 10% to 20% below asking price but 5% above asking price. It helps you both save time and money!

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